Be abstract and let nature grow.
Second year master project 2
autumn 2016 (10 weeks)
Goldtrezzini award special mention
In 1867 the Fuzhou opened it's port to international trade. A shipyard was built under French guidance and a naval school / academy was opened along the Minjiang river. It became a center for china to study European languages and technical sciences.
Now celebrating 150 years, the city of Fuzhou proposes a new heritage museum to commemorate the history of the site and the cultural exchange.
A dynamic shifting environment exists in the site today, there is strong feeling of organic integration. It's an urban context that gives way to vegetation and is enriched by it. The vegetation is fragmentet but has a strong presence, it encircles the shipyard site and connects to the river. In an expanding urban environment these fragments are precious and should be preserved.
Finding inspiration in the existing shipyard, the proposed museum uses fragments from ship construction, factory tectonics and industrial scale. The new structure and it’s spatial configuration is formed by existing vegetation / topography. These influences generate an architectural form that is anchored to the existing landscape. There are four distinct levels of the site, each with different potential. The design proposal uses these levels as guides for the configuration of the museum.
Using existing banyan trees as design influence and guide points. Tectonic details are designed with a long term integration process with nature in mind. These details allows vegetation to grow into the architecture and enrich the spatial experience.
The existing topography generates a “self designing” spatial configuration, by extending plates from existing terraces in the site. The plates protrude from the landscape, resting on pillars and anchored to the ground. The museum program / exhibition space follows the topography and is partially covered by the plates.
A supporting beam structure for the cantilever “plates“ burrows into the landscape. The geometric patterns created in the ground influence each corresponding level and leave a tectonic pattern to design the exhibition around.
The museum acts as an entrance to culturally rich site. Visitor circulation follows the Minjiang river, going up a small hill, giving an overview of the site whilst providing educational historical information. Once on top the visitor knows the significance of the site (through the exhibitions) and are encourage to explore the surrounding shipyard.
The fragmented nature of the museum encourages exploration and appreciation of nature. Apart from a few enclosed spaces the majority of the museum is open to the elements. Connected by the exhibition and history of the site, rather than spatial configuration.
The proposed project becomes a museum of the site, without embellishment. Respecting the site by reducing the impact of construction as much as possible.