Eidsvoll station master plan
Competition proposal
spring 2022 (6 weeks)

The river Vorma's southern extent, cuts through the landscape where Eidsvoll slowly develops on the east side, while Eidsvoll station will be established on the west side.
In this proposal, we have drawn up conceptual frameworks that ensure that the two places will complement each other and, in sum, create a larger, viable, attractive place for new establishments and home seekers.
The proximity to the river is the fundamental reason for the location of the center of Eidsvoll. The river should be seen as the backbone for the planning of Eidsvoll Station.
A prerequisite for experiencing and sensing the water is that the new city floor is raised about. 1 meter so that the railway will not appear as a visual barrier.
The entire area will be established above flood danger level. Under the raised deck, parking areas are planned and creates car-free outdoor area.
The water's presence in the urban structure is a planning tool, this is shown with relatively uniform structures in different heights and widths depending on the intended purpose.
The structures will be flexible with regard to the establishment of almost every purpose and changing purposes over time. The structure facilitates a gradual development depending on purpose,
At the southern corner of the site, a large hotel is envisioned as a landmark for the Eidsvoll Station area. The hotel building rises from the water surface and signals the developing station area. The hotel's entrance is on the platform with a direct connection to Gardermoen airport. The hotel juts out towards the river and forms a covered arrival from the station.
As conference rooms, bathing facilities, etc. are connected in structural volumes close to the hotel, these will be functions that can easily also be used separately. A park area with boat berths will be developed along the river bank.Cafes, studios etc. can be established here.
The site, will be divided into three different main structures.
The area closest to the railway is mainly intended for central functions for new workplaces, service functions, educational institutions, outdoor and indoor activity centres, meeting places for the local population such as a library, cinema etc.
a vibrant place with a clear identity. The final functions will be determined through an interactive design process, discovered rather than defined.
The residential area is thought of as a garden city. High and low building volumes intertwine with the vegetation,
The volumes are simply designed with apartments of all categories, from small one-room apartments to large four- and five-room apartments.
The volumes are placed slanted in relation to each other, the space in between is perceived as open landscape spaces as opposed to urban intimate street spaces, similar to the parallel structure in the more urban area to the east. The majority of the apartments have sight lines to the water table in the streets between the parallel building volumes.
The simple building bodies will be relatively cost-effective in production, their mix of different apartment types will be reflected in the final facade design and give the individual volume its characteristic design.
The entrance to the area follows the current route along Holsvannet, the park-like area with water, and the vegetation is extended like a park through the new settlement, establishing a green lung between the residential area to the west and the more urban urban fabric to the east.
In periods of heavy rain, the water could flow through a dynamic green area in the heart of the new settlement, Using flood and storm water to give an elaborate expression. The park is will be developed into a area with various social activities such as tennis courts, cage ball courts, etc. while cafes and restaurants can flank the park route.